6 Week Challenge

This challenge was designed to keep y’all motivated and give you all an outlet to inspire, and encourage each other. I hear you guys talking about me anyway, I figured I’d might as well give you an outlet to do so ;) Hopefully this offers you a fun way to stay motivated to crush your fitness goals & the chance to win some awesome prizes along the way. The rules are simple:

  • Complete as many of the activities as you can over the course of the next 6 weeks

  • Just like BINGO you “win” by completing five activities in a row — vertically, horizontally, or diagonally

  • Go for a BLACK OUT by completing the entire card

  • You can complete a square more than once. After receiving your initial stamp, bring your card back to Bri to have her date the completion for extra entries.

  • The only thing you’re not allowed to do is engage in negative self-talk. All of you are confident and capable of accomplishing anything you set out to do. No “I cant’s.” “I’m weak” “I suck” or any other degrading language. If you wouldn’t say it to someone you love, you can’t say it to or about yourself. Your body is not a coffin for your pain to die in!

  • Challenge runs from 15 April 2024 - 26 May 2024. To enter, weigh in with Bri and pick up your card either from her directly or the PT Manager’s office by Friday, April 19.

  • There will be three (3) final winners picked Friday, May 31.

  • Fill out the SUPER SECRET FORM below for a stamp on your card.

  • click here for full list of Contest rules and regulations